Surrealism in Wales: Presentation Box


Ever wondered where to keep your two ‘Surrealism In Wales’ books?

Ever thought: I wish there was a rather splendid surrealist presentation box in which to keep both ‘Surrealism In Wales’ and ‘Surrealism In Wales: Artworks and Images’ together?

…Ever had those thoughts? Both for those who answered ‘yes’ and those who answered ‘no’ – we are pleased to present an appropriately designed surrealist box inside which both books neatly fit…

It should be stated that this marvellous presentation box also serves as a ‘keeper’ of a single one of the two books. Indeed, for those wishing to present only one of the two books as a gift – this presentation box is an ideal addition, for a small sum, to the gift as a whole and also to the presentation and protection of the book.

First there were prawns in a pint glass, then chicken in a basket, then cat in a hat… now, we proudly and surrealistically present to you: Two Books In A Box….         

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